Firma convenio

Habitat El Salvador and SISTEMA FEDECRÉDITO will transform the lives of 165 families affected by Tropical Storm Amanda.

 Habitat El Salvador and SISTEMA FEDECRÉDITO will support 165 families that were affected after Tropical Storm Amanda, in 5 departments in the country. Both organizations add up a fund of $632,500.00, which will allow the construction of 55 new homes and 110 roof improvements.

“Everyone needs a safe and decent home to grow and develop. However, many Salvadoran families have lost their homes completely or partially because of Tropical Storm Amanda and the subsequent rains. As a humanitarian organization, we are committed to providing families with a safe place to live, being the foundation for families to begin their recovery cycle after this disaster. Thanks to this collaborative partnership that we are signing this day between SISTEMA FEDECRÉDITO and Habitat El Salvador, we will provide safe housing solutions for 165 families in 5 departments of the country. In addition, we will provide training in financial management and disaster preparedness", said Ernesto Tobar, Executive Director of Habitat El Salvador.

This Project will benefit families in the departments of La Libertad, San Salvador, La Paz, San Vicente, and Ahuachapán; affected by Amanda Storm. Permanent homes and roofs will be provided to families, in the form of subsidy.

SISTEMA FEDECRÉDITO is delighted to performing this great project. “We are pleased to confirm that together we are stronger, since with this contribution we are providing, the help of Salvadorans who joined with their donations and the support of Habitat for Humanity El Salvador, we will be able to help many Salvadoran families recovering their homes to improve their quality of life”, said Macario Armando Rosales Rosa, President and CEO of FEDECRÉDITO.

This effort is part of the holistic work that Habitat El Salvador performed as a Humanitarian Disaster Response, due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, and Tropical Storm Amanda, which affected thousands of families across the country; therefore, we invite you to join us and to build together a better future for more Salvadorans. Donate and get involved today, click here:

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